Wednesday 14 May 2008

Another NS death

My youngest sister has been chosen to go for National Service. It worries me. But I was worried about the National Service scheme from the first day it opened, if not before.

The cavalier attitude that was taken from the first with our children astounded and still astounds me. The buildings hadn't been finished, there was a strangely relaxed attitude to the recruitment of staff and even the programmes seemed a bit half-arsed. The argument was that they didn't have time... so rather than delay the precious programme, they decided to go ahead, regardless of the harm it did the kids.

It worries me that these decisions were signed off on by those who are still the leaders of our country. It worries me that they are still the ones in charge of the NS programme. It worries me that there is no transparency on what happens in the camps, or how it happens. And I am exceedingly relieved that my sister is studying overseas, so postponing (hopefully till the programme is dissolved) her recruitment to boot camp.

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