Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Practical things to stop the Kelau dam

Presuming that my last post had some resonance with you, you may want to take action. Obviously, the first thing to do is write to your MP, your State ADUN and to the newspapers, television or radio shows to say 'you're gonna do WHAT?', and express your concern. Make sure you check out the COAC website first, or take a look at the SOS Selangor website, or both, so that you know what you're talking about!

It would be good if, when writing, you could also list things that you personally have done to help cut water consumption. Some ideas:
a. Collect rainwater for watering plants, cleaning cars, mopping floors and the like
b. Get a small plastic bottle (like a small mineral water bottle). Fill it with water, and stick it in your toilet cistern. It saves that amount of water with each flush - and you'll find there'll still be plenty in the cistern for your number two's! Do the same at your office, give decorated bottles to your friends, became a toilet cistern fanatic!
c. Turn off the taps - when cleaning your teeth, when soaping up in the shower, when lathering the shampoo. Whenever you can, save that water!
d. Report leaks - in my experience PUAS is a lot more efficient now that it was a few years back, help them cut water consumption too.
e. Fix leaks in your own home. Stopping a dripping tap by fixing the O-ring is a simple job (just Google it and I'm sure you can do it yourself), and then you get that warm glow of having done your own fixing and mending.
f. Tell others (particularly restaurants!) to turn off their taps too....

Doing this, and then being sanctimonious about it, helps spread the message! Be a saint, then tell the papers, MPs, ADUNs, radio stations etc etc....


Peter @ Enviroman said...

Hi Sonia,

Having a wonderful time in your Wonderland. Just how you get all these info from all over Asia? And talking about water conservation and writing to ADUNs and MPs, even if I can garner sufficient courage, wonder if I should provide a link to an almost waterless urinal or would that earn the author and photography a place in Tanjong Rambutan.

Blog for positive changes
Digital Candlelight Vigil
(not my main blogs)

Sonia Randhawa said...

Thanks again... yes, do paste links to any ideas that save water. One day they'll realise just how important these are and thank you for it!

The info came largely from lots n lots of research! Writing letters to ppl, attending conferences, reading books and, of course, the Net! Oh, and most important, having friends who keep an eye out for these things...

All the best,


Blogging at the end of the world

That's what it feels like. The country I live in is on fire, the apocalypse is with us. A thousand homes burnt to the ground. Communitie...