Tuesday, 4 March 2008

So the wedding bells chimed

On Saturday night, D and I held our wedding reception, and yesterday we actually got married. Some people say this was tempting fate, others sigh and resign themselves to the idea that we enjoy doing things topsy-turvy.

There are photos available, so I'll try and post some soon... but generally a good time was had by all, much was eaten, much was drunk, and there were many murmurs of something that through the haze of wine and other alcohol could be interpreted as interpretation of the fake cherry blossom adorning the walls.

1 comment:

Anis Yusoff said...

Hi--Congratulations! is this the same Sonia that I know from the work we do with Malaysiakini and later with Centre for independent Journalism. Where are you now? Cheers!

Anis Yusoff

Blogging at the end of the world

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