Monday 24 June 2013

Reflecting some more

When I was younger, younger than I thought I was at the time, I had a confidence in my own opinions that has waned with age, much as I try to disguise it. At the time a friend told me that my main problem was I sounded too much like an avenging angel, a little too self-righteous, a little too convinced of my own good. I still think hard on those words. But to act on them, now, would be akin to cowardice, because now is a time when we need people who are concerned more about being and doing, or at least trying to do and be good, than we need people who are trying to be right. It's not that being right isn't important - it just isn't enough.

So this is by way of warning and apology. I'm writing because I think the world needs to change. I want to write posts that challenge and inspire me, and hope that they'll connect with others. Because I know that what Margaret Mead said remains true, that the only thing that can change the world is a small group of committed individuals. And I'm not sure how else to show or be part of that small group of committed individuals. But I'm open to suggestions.

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